Outlook 2022: How will Marketing and Communication change?

Creativity is intelligence having fun“.

A. Einstein


The end of third-party cookies marks a moment of profound transformation in the entire marketing and communications ecosystem. Established in 1994 as a way for websites to store, recognise and retrieve information about users, cookies will be phased out by Google. This is a crucial change that companies need to address with foresight and proactivity.


Permit marketing finds new momentum

Buried the cookies, 2022 opens the door to permit marketing. There is nothing new: it has been around for a long time. It is based on so-called zero-party data, data that does not belong to anyone except the consumer, as they are simply asked for it. Every time a potential customer leaves their email address to subscribe to a newsletter when they fill in a questionnaire in exchange for a discount when the company offers to send them free information that interests them, based on their tastes and needs.

Perhaps through a platform over which the customer can exercise control because what he needs today may change tomorrow. Enhancing CRM tools is therefore becoming more and more of a must considering the imminent deactivation of monitoring.

If there is one thing that will not change in 2022, it is the importance of producing original content. In an increasingly digital world, the content remains the most important weapon for a brand that wants to stand out. SEO will continue to play a key role in this process: there can be no digital growth without investing in SEO (search engine optimization) writing.


What will be the winning marketing strategies for 2022?

2022 will bring some fundamental changes to the way companies market. The death of the cookie is a big issue for digital advertising that many companies had relied on. And while we don’t know what impact it will bring, one thing is certain: consumers will continue to become more demanding.

That’s why it’s best to start adopting alternative communication methods: experiment, measure and make sure they work. To help you face the New Year successfully and develop Marketing & Communication strategies that differentiate themselves through creativity and efficiency, we have compiled a small vademecum of tips.


  1. Think out of the box

Consumer habits have changed due to the pandemic. Competition has increased exponentially. The marketing approach used up to now may no longer deliver the desired results. It is an excellent time to explore new avenues and think outside the box. Our suggestion, therefore, is to go beyond what has worked so far and look for new, unconventional ways to market products and services, focusing on truly original storytelling.


  1. Knowledge of your audience is power

Did you know that today over 6 million companies use Facebook ads to reach their target audience and that over 500 million Tweets are sent every day? In a context so overflowing with information, where attention spans are so short, it becomes essential to ‘own’ your audience, in the sense of knowing them perfectly to produce personalised content that is what they need. 2022, as we explain further below, will most likely be the year of personalised content. Therefore, we urge you right now to develop an even stronger connection with your customers to create.


      3. Increasingly digital

After a year and a half of pandemic, digital awareness has grown in every area of communication. In particular, online events have become a great way to introduce the brand to existing and potential customers. For 2022, we recommend that when it comes to events, you increasingly combine the on-site experience with the digital one, because we believe the future will be in-person and digital, and directly gathering data on the audience that attends will always remain an asset.


  1. Hyper-personalisation

In 2022, the number of channels that customers can access for marketing content will multiply. Videos, online articles, podcasts are just some of the ways brands will communicate with their customers. Our recommendation, therefore, is that you get to know your audience so you can tailor your messages to them on the channels they prefer.


  1. Spotlight on the great forgotten: B2B content

How many potential customers are lost due to a company’s decision not to publish B2B content? Today’s trends are changing so fast that even B2B managers are Googling for clarification and guidance. So don’t hesitate to produce content that meets the needs of B2B – results will follow soon enough.


  1. Marketing Automation, the key to success

Customers are becoming much smarter and savvier. In general, it’s time to think about conversational (marketing) automation to build stronger relationships and learn more about them.


And after this brief guide, we hope we have helped you consider all the opportunities for innovation that the loss of third-party cookies offers to the world of marketing and communications.